Sarah Crane

Peace Studies & History

Sarah Crane (peace studies and history) holds an M.A. in European studies from Indiana University Bloomington and a B.A. degree in history and music from Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana. She completed her master’s research at Freie Universität Berlin, arguing that the legacies of two men—Benjamin Ferencz, Chief Prosecutor at the Nuremberg SS-Einsatzgruppen Trial, and Fritz Bauer, instigator of the Frankfurt-Auschwitz Trial—have come to represent the ways responsibility to remember the crimes of the Holocaust is defined in the present.


As a Ph.D. student, Sarah plans to build upon her master’s work and explore the legacy of Gideon Hausner and the Eichmann Trial. Her goal is to dig deeper into how the law’s response to present expressions of violence has been molded by the discussions spawned by these three men and their trials. 


Sarah was awarded a Mullen Family Fellowship for the 2019-2020 academic year.