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Doctoral Students Publish New Research in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Ukraine is on the brink of war-related environmental disaster according to new research published by two Kroc Institute doctoral students. Kristina Hook and Richard Marcantonio, both doctoral candidates in anthropology and peace studies, published their research in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists on October 16.

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Doctoral Students Publish New Research in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Master’s Student Awarded for Human Rights Work in Uganda

Victoria Nyanjura, a student in the Master of Global Affairs, International Peace Studies program, is a first place recipient of the Navarra International Solidarity Award. Organized by the Government of Navarre, Spain, and Laboral Kutxa, a Spanish credit union, the award recognizes  people, NGO’s, and institutions whose work advances the...

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Master’s Student Awarded for Human Rights Work in Uganda

Kroc Welcomes Six New Ph.D. Students

Six new students in four disciplines recently began the Kroc Institute’s interdisciplinary doctoral program in peace studies. The program is a partnership with the University of Notre Dame Departments of Anthropology, History, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, and Theology.

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Kroc Welcomes Six New Ph.D. Students

Madrasa Discourses Hosts Second Summer Intensive in Nepal

For the second summer in a row, students and faculty from the University of Notre Dame converged with madrasa (Islamic seminary) graduates from India and Pakistan for two weeks of intensive teaching and dialogue in Dhulikhel, Nepal (an hour outside of Kathmandu). Drawn by Notre Dame’s Madrasa Discourses project, the...

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Madrasa Discourses Hosts Second Summer Intensive in Nepal

Teaching Peace Institute Draws Over 50 Attendees in Bogotá

Kroc faculty, students and alumni were among the 50 attendees representing the academy, nongovernmental organizations (NGO’s), and the government who gathered to discuss the intersections among peace studies, business ethics and social entrepreneurship in Bogotá, Colombia.

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Teaching Peace Institute Draws Over 50 Attendees in Bogotá

Congratulations, Peace Studies Class of 2018!

The Kroc Institute recently celebrated the graduation of 37 graduating peace studies seniors who majored or minored in peace studies and four graduates of the peace studies doctoral dual degree program. 

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Congratulations, Peace Studies Class of 2018!

Kroc to Host First Academic Conference on Military Antiwar Movements

Over 90 veterans, scholars and activists from around the world will gather May 22-24 at the University of Notre Dame for “Voices of Conscience: Antiwar Opposition in the Military.” This is the first major academic conference to explore the impact of military antiwar movements, especially during the Vietnam and Iraq...

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 Kroc to Host First Academic Conference on Military Antiwar Movements

New Book Advances Understanding of Conflict’s Role in Contemporary U.S. Society

The recently published book Healthy Conflict in Contemporary American Society offers new insight into the productive and positive roles that conflict can play in the midst of religious intolerance and moral disagreements in contemporary American society. Drawing together original research conducted by Jason A. Springs over the course of 13 years,...

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New Book Advances Understanding of Conflict’s Role in Contemporary U.S. Society

Women Studying Violence Present New Research and Discuss Challenges

More than a dozen women scholars on the forefront of violence research in political science took part April 9 in a workshop co-sponsored in part by two Keough School for Global Affairs institutes, the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies and the Kellogg Institute for International Studies.

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Women Studying Violence Present New Research and Discuss Challenges

Student Peace Conference Keynote Speaker Announced

Alexis Templeton, a 24-year-old activist known for her protest work during the 2014 Ferguson Uprising, has been named as the keynote speaker for the 2018 Notre Dame Student Peace Conference, sponsored by the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies.

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Student Peace Conference Keynote Speaker Announced